Beer Of The Week – Southern Star Black Crack

Motor oil. As thick as motor oil.

What do you get when you mix Buried Hatchet Stout with oak bourbon barrels? This gem. Southern Star’s Black Crack bourbon barrel-aged stout is one of the most sought after beers this holiday season.

If you’ve never enjoyed Buried Hatchet Stout, you need to know that the roasted malt flavor in this beer is so rich that you’ll swear you’re drinking a nice glass of cold coffee. Combine that with bourbon barrel-aging and you get a rich beer that explodes with flavor. Flavors of caramel, vanilla, chocolate and even a bit of spicy tobacco come through despite the roasted malt being overpowering in the nose. The thickness of the beer should be noted as it is a heavy and bold beer.

I’m not going to lie, I was pretty pissed off about the price tag though. At $11.99 for a 16 ounce can, I expected one of the best beers ever created. While it is truly a delicious beer, a perfect one it is not. Next year, I would look forward to this beer hopefully being bottled in a 22 ounce bomber for slightly more for a better value.

Overall, at 10% ABV, this beer is a nice one to enjoy on a winter evening. Try to find it just to sample and share it with a friend. They won’t be disappointed with the great roasted malt taste.